Convento dei Carmelitani - Chiese | Mazara Valley
Mazara Valley
Via del Carmine 91026 Mazara del Vallo (Tp), Sicilia Italia
Tel: +39 333 619 2021

Carmelite Convent. Mazara del Vallo. Mazara Valley - Official Tourism Website

Home Experiences Church Carmelite Convent

Carmelite Convent

The Convent is located in the district of San Giovanni, in front of those buildings built on the ancient walls ruggeriane at noon. The Renaissance innovations were deepened and brought to levels of extreme rigor: formulation of the rules of the linear centric perspective, which organized the space unitarily; repudiation of decorative elements and return to essentiality.

Le innovazioni rinascimentali vennero approfondite e portate a livelli di estremo rigore: formulazione delle regole della prospettiva lineare centrica, che organizzava lo spazio unitariamente; ripudio degli elementi decorativi e ritorno all'essenzialità.

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Address Via Carmine 8, Mazara del Vallo



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