Museo Diocesano - Musei | Mazara Valley
Mazara Valley
Via del Carmine 91026 Mazara del Vallo (Tp), Sicilia Italia
Tel: +39 333 619 2021

The Diocesan Museum. Mazara del Vallo. Mazara Valley - Official Tourism Website

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The Diocesan Museum

These works come from various centres in the Diocese, in particular from Mazara, Salemi and Castelvetrano. The Diocesan Museum has a significant collection of silverware and sacred vestments from the period between the 14th and 19th centuries, as well as sculptures and paintings, including some portraits of bishops. The museum basically collects the Treasure of the Cathedral of Mazara del Vallo, but there are also finds from other centers of the diocese such as Castelvetrano and Salemi. The oldest piece of silverware is a processional cross from the mother church of Salemi, dated 1386 and signed by Johannes de Cioni, a silversmith perhaps part of an important family of Tuscan silversmiths.


During the long history of the diocese of Mazara del Vallo, each bishop made his own contribution to the enrichment of the Treasure of the Cathedral; among the most significant pieces are the reliquary of Saints Zenone and Tommaso Cantauriense (mid 16th century) bearing the mark of the silversmiths of Messina, a monstrance by the goldsmith Diego Candino from Trapani (1641), numerous liturgical furnishings from the workshop of the silversmiths Lotta di Trapani and a monstrance with a halo decorated with diamonds and sapphires and six altar vases (17th century), a gift from Bishop Francesco Maria Graffeo.

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